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Privacy Policy

Hi. We’re Jasper. And we’re on a mission to make agency work a seamless, transparent, and all round more pleasant experience.

In order to achieve our ambitions, we’ll need to collect and process some of your personal data from time to time. This document provides you with all the information around what we collect, why, on what legal basis, who we share it with, and, most importantly, your rights.

‘Personal Data’ is considered to be any piece of information, or combination of pieces of information, which allows a living individual to be identified. We fully respect how important the right to privacy is, which is why we’ll only ever use your personal data in a transparent and proportionate way.

Please do read this document carefully. And if you have any questions or concerns then you are welcome to contact us using the details provided below.

What information do we collect?

We’ll collect personal data from you at different stages of the user journey. This includes:

  • Identity data - when you sign up with us you’ll be asked for your full name, date of birth, and any personal or professional experience that may be relevant when placing you for an Assignment - most likely in the form of a CV;
  • Contact information - we’ll also need to collect certain contact details at the same time, including your email address, residential address, and mobile number;
  • Financial information - once you sign a contract for services with us, we’ll need your bank account details in order to process payments to you (this is all we’ll ever use this information for);
  • Information on Assignments - we’ll need to keep a record of the various Assignments that you complete with us, including any feedback that we may receive from Clients;
  • Website analytics - we’ll track and store certain data when you use our App/website, including IP address, login details, and information about how you use these platforms. You can see further details under ‘Cookies’, below;
  • Marketing and Communications - this includes your preferences on receiving marketing from us, as well as your communication preferences.


No, not the sweet, delicious variety, we’re sorry to say. Cookies are small files that are created and downloaded when you visit or use an App/website or open an email.

They allow businesses to do certain things, some of which are purely technical or functional (e.g. tracking how many people visit a particular site or read a certain email) and others more marketing related (e.g. recording your preferences so the business knows which services or products to tell you about).

We here at Jasper will only ever use cookies to monitor technical and functional performance, so that we can continue to offer the best user experience. We will not use cookies for any marketing or advertising purposes.

You are free to disable or refuse cookies at any time. This may, however, impact your use of the App/website, and certain pages may be inaccessible as a result.

If you’d like any further details on how we use cookies then please contact us using the details provided at the end of this document.

How do we use this personal data?

We use any personal data collected for a variety of reasons, but this will only ever be to the minimum extent necessary to achieve each purpose:

  • Initial account set up and administration;
  • To provide you with our services and to personalise your user experience;
  • Ensuring the Assignments we offer you are relevant to your expertise and experience;
  • To enable you and Clients to communicate with one another;
  • To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations;
  • To protect our rights or the rights of others, including but not limited to fraud prevention;
  • Carrying out polls and surveys designed to improve our service;
  • To otherwise analyse and improve the services we provide;
  • For marketing and advertising purposes (unless you have ‘opted-out’ of marketing, and always within the scope of data protection laws);

This list may not be exhaustive, but where any additional uses are outside your reasonable expectations we’ll always seek your consent first.

What are the legal grounds on which we process your personal data?

Whenever a business processes your personal data, it must have a legal basis to do so. Sometimes, we’ll ask for your express consent to process your data, but otherwise the legal basis will usually be one of the following:

  • Fulfilling our contractual obligations to you - for example to identify and offer you appropriate Assignments, to manage your account, for communications with you and the Client, and to make or receive payments;
  • Complying with our legal, regulatory, and audit obligations - which may involve a requirement to collect and retain your personal data, and to carry out background checks for the purposes of an Assignment;
  • Our legitimate interests and those of third parties - for example to understand how people utilise our services and for developing new offerings. However, we’ll always carefully balance those interests against your own, and your overriding rights and freedoms.

When will we share your personal data?

We may sometimes share your personal information with third parties, including:

  • With Clients - for the purposes of vetting and placing Assignments, in order to monitor the work you undertake (for performance and pay purposes), and for any other purposes necessary for us to provide our services;
  • With service providers and business partners - this includes other parties we work with to provide our services and to maintain the App/website. We may also share personal data with our professional advisors, such as lawyers, accountants, auditors, and insurers;
  • Regulators and Government / Law enforcement agencies - we may share your personal information with these parties where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights or the rights of any third party;
  • Business transfers - where we sell or otherwise transfer part or all of our assets or business to a third party which then provides the services or App/website in our place.

We will always ensure that any third parties maintain appropriate safeguards to preserve and protect any personal data and that there is a contractual obligation on them to do so.

The security and retention of your personal data

We have put in place both technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of your personal data at all times. This includes:

  • The use of encryption;
  • The use of data protection impact assessments;
  • Internal processes and training for our employees relating to data protection;
  • Managing third party risks, through the use of contracts and security reviews.

We’ll evaluate these measures on a regular basis in order to ensure that your personal information remains properly protected.

We’ll keep your personal data for as long as we have a relationship with you. Once that relationship has come to an end, we’ll only retain your personal information for as long as necessary in order to:

  • Maintain business records for analysis and/or audit purposes;
  • Comply with record retention requirements under the law;
  • Defend or bring any existing or potential legal claims;
  • Deal with any complaints regarding our services.

We’ll delete your personal information as soon as it’s no longer required for these purposes. If there’s any information we’re unable to delete entirely from our systems (e.g. for technical reasons), then we’ll put in place appropriate measures to prevent any further processing or use of the data.

What are my rights relating to my personal data?

You are of course entitled to ask us to delete your account (and any personal data) whenever you like, only subject to:

  • Any outstanding payments (or other obligations) between us, you, and a Client; and
  • Our legal and regulatory obligations to retain certain data (e.g. for tax purposes).

We’ll always promptly action any such request, and in any event within a maximum of 30 days.

You can also ask that we stop sending marketing communications at any time, either by adjusting your marketing preferences on the App/website, or by following the opt-out links on any marketing message we send.

You have a number of other rights under data protection laws, including to:

  • See/receive a full copy of any personal data we hold about you;
  • Rectify any personal data we hold where there are errors or omissions;
  • Receive your personal data in a portable electronic format and/or ask us to transfer it to a third party;
  • Where relevant, object to or ask for further details about any automated decision making (and to have any such decision reviewed by a human); and
  • Make a complaint - we provide further details on this below.

Please bear in mind that any request relating to your personal data must also be balanced against our own interests (in particular, complying with any legal and regulatory requirements) and those of any third parties.

If this prevents us from complying with a request for any reason, then we will of course tell you this and provide supporting reasons.

How to contact us?

Jasper Personnel Ltd. is the ‘data controller’ for the personal information we collect and use. This means this is the legal entity that decides which personal data we collect, how we use/retain it, and who we share it with.

If you have any questions, concerns or requests on anything concerning your personal data, please contact us using the details below:

Post: 91 High Street, Worle, Weston-Super-Mare BS22 6ET

We take these responsibilities very seriously. If you have any reason to complain we will of course investigate and respond to your complaint as a priority.

However, if you are unsatisfied with our response for any reason then you have the right to make a complaint to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office through their website